Bakı şəhərinin mərkəzi küçələrinin regenerasiyası / təqdimat

Presentation / Project


About Event:

Bakı şəhərinin mərkəzi küçələrinin regenerasiyası / təqdimat

The Urban Regeneration Project, which studio DRA&U is developing in collaboration with the Union of Architects of Azerbaijan represents a great opportunity for the historical and architectural restoration of cultural heritage of Baku city defined between Azerbaijan Avenue, Mirza Aga Aliyev, Nabat Ashrubekova and Nizami streets.

This project aims to represent an urban growth based on respect for the territory: depurate the existing building fabric, promote conservation and restoration of the most valuable buildings, redevelop urban areas through demolition and reconstruction, and maintain seismic improvement and energy sustainability.

The goal is to promote a rebirth of the territory by keeping untouched the history and culture of the neighbourhood. Balance between past and future to be established through the Urban Regeneration Project, which aims to reduce land consumption by placing, among other things, a constraint on out-of-scale projects that would substantially change the skyline of the city.

Among the actions of intervention it was also considered the construction of new Public Works, beneficial for the economic and cultural progress of the district and at the same time necessary to develop social relations.

The project of Urban Regeneration will be presented during the Italian Design Day by Prof. Arch. Elbay Gasimzade (President of the Union of Architects of Azerbaijan), Arch. Giorgio Pini (Principal Architect of Studio DRA&U), Prof. Arch. Armando Rossi (President of Co.Re.), Eng. Francesco Squasi (Senior Engineering of Studio DRA&U).

The lecture will be delivered in Italian with simultaneous translation to Azeri.

March 7th, 6 pm
