Sdgs2017- Sustainable Development Goals

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Sdgs2017- Sustainable Development Goals

The International Scientific Conference on Sustainable 
Development 2017
“Transforming our World: The role of Science to foster the 
integration and the
Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” 

The International Scientific Conference on Sustainable Development 2017, “Transforming our World: The role of Science to foster the integration and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” will take place in November 2017 in Azerbaijan.
This highly exciting and challenging international Conference on sustainable development is intended to be a scientific conference, discussion and networking place for academics, researchers, professionals, administrators, educational leaders, policy makers, industry representatives, advanced students and others.
Topics of interest 
We invite to submit papers in the range of the following topics within the conference program: 

• Role of fundamental SDGs research,
• The UN Global Compact’s multi-year strategy to drive business awareness and actionin support of achieving the SDGs,
• Using the Legal Framework to Support Achievement for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),
• Public-Private Partnerships for Sustainable Development,
• Aligning Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Practices to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),
• Sharing scientific information and knowledge,
• The role of innovation and technology for sustainable development,
• Science for basic human needs,
• The role of ICT in the Sustainable Development Goals,
• Science, environment and sustainable development,
• Health Research for Sustainable Development,
• Science and technology,
• Science education,
• SDGs and the role of Higher Education Institutions,
• Science for peace and conflict resolution
• The Road to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): The Gender Discourse, Research and Practice,
• Social requirements and human dignity,
• Social protection for all to change people’s lives by 2030
• Ethical issues,
• Widening participation in science,
• Modern science and other systems of knowledge.

Full Paper Format
Full Papers should be a maximum of 3000 words including references, appendices,figures etc.
The title should be centered, 14 point size, black and bold,
Authors, affiliation, centered, 12 point size,superscripts of different affiliation (1,2….)

Main text: Times New Roman, 12 point size
Abstract format
The abstract should not exceed 150 words and must include five keywords 
Font type and size: Times New Roman,12 point size;
Line spacing: Single; Margins-2 cm on the left and 2cm on the right. No footers and headers allowed and no numbered pages.
Poster presentation should have this dimension 90cm (width) by 200cm (height)
All conference materials will be published in the Book of Proceedings 2017 (ISBN number).
The papers must report original, previously unpublished findings in the fields of sustainable development goals. All papers will be reviewed under the direction of the International Scientific Committee by the Scientific Advisory Board. The abstracts and papers must be written in English.

Email: [email protected]
