Territory of Guba region stretches from the north-eastern slopes of the Greater Caucasus mountain range to Samur-Devechi lowland. There are many picturesque corners of nature Balbulag, Gizbanovsha, Gachresh gorge Tengealty etc. But we chose other destination point which is close to the Guba, where the river Vyalvyalya with 80 meter falls as beautiful waterfall.
06.50 Meeting near bus
07.00-08.00 Way Baku-Quba
08.00-08.20 Rest at Beshbarmag
10.00 Samovar tea with homemade cake and rest in forest zone
10.40 Hiking 3 km up throw village and forest, to waterfall Afurja. If it is difficult for you, you can by car NIVА
14.30 Lunch at rest zone
18.00 Return to Baku
P.S. If will have time (snowy road), then show the old city of Shabran, ruins and towers
Lunch you can bring food from home or order and pay in a rest place.
Sprinter (18 local). The road takes about 3 hours.
In 06.50 near the metro “20January” (Shemahinka way).
18AZN (include road, samovar tea with homemade cake, guide and photo)
Guide Kamala
mob.: (055) 742 08 20 WatsApp/Viber